Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Farmers' Agitation

The main criticism as well as the concern of the striking farmers with regard to the new farm legislations is the perceived dominance and exploitation by the corporates under the new Acts. Viewing from the angle of the farmers, irrespective of whether they are rich or not, this apprehension cannot be considered as one which is totally baseless, particularly as no sufficient efforts seem to have been taken to dispel the fears of the farmers community surrounding the new legislations.

As a measure to resolve the stalemate caused by the farmers' agitation, the government could have considered the constitution of a New Farm Laws Implementation Monitoring Committee comprising representatives of the farmers, the corporates, the ruling alliance, the opposition and an independent member nominated by the Supreme Court, aimed at safeguarding the interests of the farmers. This committee would not adopt a partisan view nor would stick to any pre-conceived stance.

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