Friday, August 21, 2020

Higher Efficiency, Better Amenities, Higher Revenue, Faster Growth

Ultimately Adani Enterprises won the bid to run the Trivandrum International Airport under global tender, riding on the highest per passenger fee of Rs 168 to the Airport Authority of India (AAI), while its nearest competitor, the state-owned Kerala State Industries Development Corporation (KSIDC), offered Rs 135 and GMR Airport fell way behind with an offer of Rs 63 per passenger.

Under the 50 years lease, only the operations and management of the Airport will be transferred to Adani Enterprises. AAI will continue to be owner of the Airport. 

The capital of Kerala deserved a much better Airport.The efficiency of the Airport can be legitimately expected to be improved considerably under the management of Adani group, given the proven professionalism of the group. Payment of the passenger fee of Rs.168 to the Airports AAI is expected to turn out to be more remunerative for AAI in comparison to the present profitability position of the Airport. Infrastructure and amenities at the Airport will certainly be strengthened a lot. The Airport will grow. Inclusion of more sectors and more flights would become a reality. More passengers mean more revenue. The ensuing benefits would accrue to the people of the city and its hinterland. The State's capital city and more particularly the State as a whole will develop faster. The contour of Kerala State will change.

The landmark development is to be viewed from the perspective of the growth of Kerala State.

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