Saturday, July 4, 2020

A Historic Visit Which Means a Lot

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Ladakh on July 3rd, 2020 is perceived as a significant development which could shape India’s future foreign policy and security doctrine for years to come. By making an unscheduled, surprise visit to Ladakh at a time when the border stand-off with China, because of Chinese aggression, continues, the PM sent out a symbolic and strong message, both within and outside the country, that India will stand up to defend its territorial integrity, in all circumstances.
More importantly, while speaking to soldiers in the frontlines,  the PM sent out a clear and unambiguous substantive message to China that India, and the rest of the world, will challenge its “expansionism”. By suggesting that either expansionists lose or are forced to mend their ways, the PM has told China that the era of patience with its predatory tactics is over. The PM mentioned that India seeks peace, but peace comes from strength and India has done and will do what it takes to build its strength. By mentioning this, the PM has unequivocally told China not to think that its assessment of the asymmetry of power between the two countries will make India retreat in the face of aggression.
By repeatedly highlighting the bravery of soldiers and honouring them, the PM, apart from giving a strong boost to the morale of the Indian armed forces, was preparing it  as well as the rest of the country, for the challenges that may lie ahead. And by acknowledging Ladakh as India’s pride, the people of Ladakh as patriots, and the sites of Ladakh as having witnessed Indian bravery, he was laying an indisputable claim to the region as Indian territory, which is not up for negotiation.
It is now up to China to decide whether it wants to risk an escalatory spiral at the border and beyond at this juncture, or whether it is willing to restore the status quo and make peace. PM Modi has made it clear that while India hopes for the latter, it is prepared for the former.
Modi’s visit to Ladakh would undoubtedly go down in the history of the world as an event with fathomless impact on world peace.

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