Thursday, June 18, 2020

Let Peace Prevail (June 17, 2020)

Unfortunately the People's Republic of China does not seem to have correctly estimated the military prowess of India. Otherwise, China might be unmindful or unconcerned about the far reaching impact a military aggression would result in. Today’s India is far more different from the India of the 1962 Chinese aggression days in military strength and capabilities, apart from the fact that India is also a nuclear power now as China is. Furthermore, the power equations and trade interests of the world stand drastically changed now.

The anti-China sentiments, which the Covid-19 outbreak has unleashed more or less globally under suspected Chinese involvement in the origin and spread of the pandemic, have resulted in isolation of China by the international community barring a few countries which are more or less protégés of China. And China is seriously concerned about the fact that its image now stands shabbily tarnished among the comity of nations. Added to this is the setback received by China’s dreams of a trade hegemony in the world.

India, on the other hand, is following the most desirable approach of a studied and matured restraint even in the face of utmost provocation, fully realizing the far reaching consequences in the eventuality of the existing tension giving way to a military aggression, now that the US with an inconsiderate administration is waiting for an opportunity to demonstrate its ire against China.

India’s earnest attempts to ease the mounting tension in the Sino-Indian border should succeed in the interest of humanity as the Covid shattered world would  not be able to afford a war at this juncture, particulary because now there is a significant number of nuclear powers in the world.

A big salute to India’s great sons who sacrificed their lives for the country for their supreme sacrifice and  martyrdom. India is proud of them and their families.

Let peace return and prevail in the Sino-Indian border.

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