Thursday, May 28, 2020

Cost Control and Austerity Measures Still Eluding (15-4-2020)

One reality which cannot be overlooked in the present context of our economy is the glaring absence of any drive or efforts at any levels to reduce the public spending, save those meant for boosting the economy.
It is public knowledge that there are many areas causing erosion of public funds. There could be many establishments or posts or verticals which instead of constructively helping the economy could only be a drain on it. There could be many items of expenditure that could be deferred for a period of at least two years. Luxury and extravagance might still be lingering at many public offices. Many expensive purchases that could be avoided or at least deferred might be getting through in the midst of the present crisis situation. It may not be impossible to keep in abeyance all foreign travels of high dignitaries and officials at least for two years. In a robustly connected world thanks to the advancement of technology, such frequent foreign travels using scarce public resources may not be inevitable and warranted.
There could be abundant scope for immediately adopting meaningful cost control measures to minimise government spending. It is felt that at least a slight portion of the resources requirements warranted by the pandemic induced situation could be met through clamping an earnest cost control and austerity drive after taking the considered opinion of a high power committee constituted for this purpose.

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