Thursday, May 28, 2020

A Big Salute to the Angels (12-5-2020)

Today, May 12th, is the International Nurses Day (IND). IND is observed around the world each year since 1974 on May 12th, the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing to mark the contributions that nurses make to the society. This year’s IND has assumed very high relevance in view of the lofty role being played by the nurses community in fighting a pandemic that has halted the progress of humanity. The theme announced by the International Council of Nurses - Nurses : A Voice to Lead - Nursing the World to Health - for IND 2020 implies how nurses are central to addressing a wide range of health challenges.
Nurses who are one of the strong pillars of medical care and treatment and the embodiments of mercy, dedication, hard work and patience are a section that deserves a much higher place in society and a much higher compensation and living standards than what they get at present. They deserve a much better care from the society. The medical decisions taken by the doctors are to be implemented and their instructions are to be carried out by the nurses, and obviously the success of the Doctor’s treatment depends on how meticulously those instructions are carried out by the nurses. Often the treatment of nurses can impart a huge solace to the patients and instil confidence among them, which is indispensable for cure of the ailment. Further, this is a profession which calls for utmost patience and compassion. It is undoubtedly one of the noblest of life rescuing operations on earth.
Salutes to all the angels of mercy, patience and dedication on this International Nurses Day.

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