Thursday, May 28, 2020

Slips of Humanity (18-5-2020)

Humanity which made advancements after advancements went wrong in many areas, which resulted in the world becoming a place laden with tension, disturbances and a feeling of insecurity among its inhabitants. Oneupmanship among the big and powerful countries and their sole motive of existence at the cost of other countries became the world order. Supremacy of some countries remained unchallenged.
And within countries, mankind became increasingly selfish, egoistic and rutheless. Materialism became a way of life, a religion, a wedded philosophy the world over.
Mankind even started defiantly challenging the master controller, the nature. When the situation was about to reach a point of no return, nature intervened. Now humanity might be brooding and perhaps repenting on their past misdeeds. Once the world succeeds in combating the micro-organism which has taken a heavy toll of lives, nature might be expecting that mankind would undergo a transformation. Let us not disappoint nature.

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