Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Mandate and the Message

The Indian electorate through their clear mandate in the parliamentary elections 2019 eloquently declares the following.
1. We have come of age and are now a politically matured and enlightened lot.
2. We know how to discern between truth and falsehood.
3. We require a stable government at the centre.
4. We want an astute, matured, visionary leader as the head of the government.
5. We want a government with a clear direction and development ideology.
6. We want a government which would uphold the nation’s dignity among the global
7. We want a government which would run its full term.
8. We do not want a government with internal squabbles.
9. We are aware that our mandate is meant for protecting the nation’s destiny for half a decade.
10. We do not attach much significance to other factors.

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