Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Triumph of Nationalism

The just concluded parliamentary elections have eloquently demonstrated a graceful transformation of the Indian voter to an intellectually higher level. Their ability to objectively look at issues and discern between reality and falsehood has significantly increased. They have realized the imperative necessity of showing better maturity and responsibility.
One aspect which deserves special mention is the fact that the print and electronic could not exert any worthwhile influence on the mandate of the voters. At the same time, the social media have played a not insignificant role in putting issues in the right perspective before the voters.The electors have given a message to the print and electronic media that their style of publishing which does not display a sense of responsibility is highly improper for them.
The voters’ realization that what India needs at this juncture is a strong leadership and a government with clear vision and stability is indeed a very good indication. The sight of nationalism gaining prominence over politics is a refreshing one. The voters have emphatically declared that they are not interested in partisan politics. Because, what India which is fast emerging as the most powerful nation in the world wants is a development ideology based on nationalism and not petty politics. India has come a long way, it can now only march forwards, it can’t retrace its steps.

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