Thursday, July 19, 2018

Food and Diseases

World Health Organisation’s (WHO) reports supported by several advanced research studies have clearly established the direct relation between excessive non-vegetarian food and incidence of cancer. According to WHO reports, excessive consumption of meat of any nature is the sure cause of a large number of diseases including cancer, heart diseases, nervous disorders, kidney failure, gall bladder problems, arterial wounds, arterial blocks, paralysis, arthritis, hysteria, weakening of bones, dementia etc. It has been also found that moderate consumption of fish would not have any adverse impact on health. Further, people who consume only moderate quantity of food have been found to have relatively better health and higher longevity.

A study by the Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum has established the alarming incidence of cancer among people who consume predominantly meat. A Japanese scientist on the basis of prolonged research has proved that non-vegetarian food plays a major role in raising anger, anxiety, restlessness and criminal mentality among people. 

Incidentally, many recent studies also clearly establish that frequent consumption of food from hotels and restaurants is a strong reason for the increasing incidence of cancer.

No doubt, food is the individual choice of individuals. But there is no harm in heeding to the findings of research studies and benefiting from them.

The take-aways from the above report are:-

1. Minimise, if not avoid, the consumption of meat. Let meat consumption become the bare minimum.
2. Substitute plant protein for animal protein by replacing meat with pulses, green peas, beans, different kinds of nuts, oats etc.
3. Moderately consume fish, if non-vegetarian food cannot be totally avoided.
4. Minimise, or, if possible, avoid consumption of food from hotels and restaurants.
5. Avoid consuming large quantities of food. Consume only moderate amount of food.

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