Thursday, July 19, 2018

Eleven Point Regimen for a Healthy Living

  1. Be moderate in quantity of food intake.
  2. Do thirty minutes of exercise or brisk walking at  least five days a week.
  3. Drink ten glasses of water every day.
  4. Minimise (or avoid) outside eating, i.e., eating from restaurants, food joints etc.
  5. Minimise (or avoid) intake of non-vegetarian food, particularly meat.
  6. Add plenty of vegetables in food.
  7. Take one serving of fruits every day.
  8. Avoid oily, sweet and salty food.
  9. Do mind exercises like memorizing, solving puzzles, meditation, reading, writing etc. every day.
  10. Relax by enjoying music.
  11. Consciously regulate the pace of life in every possible way.

Always remember, your food habits and life style decide your health and longevity.

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