Saturday, October 10, 2020

A Gentle, Cool Breeze of Humaneness

Of all the Nobel Prizes 2020 announced during the last few days, the one that is being acclaimed the most is the Nobel Peace Prize. It must be a really gratifying news for the world that the UN World Food Programme (UNWFP) won Nobel Peace Prize 2020 for its efforts to fight hunger in regions of conflict and hardship around the globe. UNWFP, founded in 1961 with headquarters in Rome, has earned the distinction as the world’s largest humanitarian organisation addressing hunger and promoting food security. In 2019, it provided assistance to close to 100 million people in 88 countries who are victims of acute food insecurity and hunger. UNWFP has taken the lead in combining humanitarian work with peace efforts through pioneering projects in South America, Africa and Asia. 

The Nobel Committee expects the award will turn the eyes of the world to the millions of people who suffer from or face the threat of hunger. The award undoubtedly spreads a gentle, cool breeze of humaneness across the entire world.

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