Thursday, July 30, 2020

A Restructuring and Transformative National Policy

The cultural health of a nation owes much to its education system. India's education system has been a topic of discussions in forums after forums for decades. The necessity to remould it to suit the vastly changed times has been a consensus in all such debates.

And now the time has come. National Education Policy 2020 passed by the Union Cabinet is a ground breaking revolutionary document which seeks to address several long overdue needs of our education system paving the way for its transformative restructuring with wide-ranging reforms aimed at making the Indian education system more contemporary. The NEP is expected to bring in new vistas of opportunities for the Indian youth.

It is refreshing that under the NEP, the curriculum would get reduced to its core essentials giving ample space for critical thinking, holistic, enquiry-based, discovery-based, discussion-based, and analysis-based learning, which is a pressing need of the times.

NEP is expected to pave way for equitable, vibrant, job oriented, quality education. Let the contemplated moves get translated into action on the ground at the earliest.

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