Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Technology in Education

Kerala is on the threshold of a great revolution in technology enabled education. Online classes for various classes have commenced in a TV channel. Necessity has spurred governmental action in this regard at much faster a pace than expected. Of course, the initative awaits a lot of refinements, which are expected to come in due course.

The pains taken by all those who are behind the online classes are very evident and highly appreciable.This is notwithstanding the fact that virtual classes can never become a substitute for classroom education for a spate of reasons. 

On expected lines, there is widespread unfounded criticism about the online classes on the social media, presumably from those who have not  understood the necessity or the efforts behind it. One is tempted to think that it would have been better if before criticising such initiatives, those who do so make a self evaluation of their own competencies.

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