Monday, June 8, 2020

Supremacy, Sanctity

The principal objective behind various Commissions in the State is to safeguard the principles and doctrines enshrined in the Constitution of India and to ensure that the citizens are not denied what is mandated by the Constitution. Various Commissions in the State form an integral part of the Government machinery. They are pillars which aid in facilitating the smooth functioning of the state machinery. These Government funded bodies help in the execution of several policies that are ratified in the Parliament and the State Legislature seeking the betterment of the common man. The Indian Constitution lays down various guidelines, comprising rules and regulations, that form cardinal principles which these Commissions should abide by in their day to day functioning. These Commissions uphold the democratic fabric of our Constitution that strives to provide a socialist, secular, sovereign republic, which is a repository of fraternity. The Commissions are constituted under a respective parent legislation.

The standard set-up of Commissions is a team comprising a Chairperson and a few Members. At present there is no bar in making appointments in these commissions basing on political considerations. It is often felt that the objectives and role of commissions being what they are, they would be able to play a much more effective role in line with what is envisaged in the respective parent Act, if the appointment of office bearers is mandatorily done basing on merits, educational qualifications and expertise and past experience in the field and not on political considerations. The reason is, the Constitution of India, to which the above statutory bodies pay allegiance to, is the supreme law of the country which deserves to be upheld with utmost sanctity and purity.

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