Thursday, May 28, 2020

Social Justice (1-5-2020)

Ever since the lockdown was clamped, the country has been looking forward to a worthwhile economic stimulus package from the centre, which seeks to address the serious social issue of large sections of people having become devoid of any income following the lockdown.
Social justice also means that the efforts of the state should be more towards providing succour to the deprived sections of the society. While various measures to rejuvenate the different sectors of the economy are expected to be in such a package, benefits to individuals should go only to the deprived sections of people, the income-less, as at least in the matter of income, the other sections of people have not been affected. This is definitely an area where special care is required to ensure that there is absolutely no scope or room for the other sections of the society to get or corner the benefits which should go to the genuinely deserving. This is an aspect to be taken into account not only by the central government but by state governments as well.
Ensuring social justice is something which deserves to be given primary importance in a democracy and should never be overlooked or ignored.

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