Thursday, May 28, 2020

Possible Positive Developments the Post-Corona World Could Witness

Possible Positive Developments the Post-Corona World Could Witness
From the prevailing situation the world over, it would not be difficult to foresee a few positive medium and long term developments the post-corona world could witness in a span of three to five years. They include:-
1) A shift in the power equations in the world.
2) Receding of the tendency to demonstrate supremacy among countries.
3) Waning of the concept of super powers or emergence of new super powers.
4) Redefining of the concept of globalization with stronger elements of mutual sharing of resources.
5) A paradigm shift in the concept of trade among countries.
6) Emergence of a restructured global monetary agency.
7) Re-emergence of agriculture as the foremost economic activity.
8) Return of the concept of dignity of labour.
9) Marked decline in luxury spending and extravaganza in society.
10) A clearer understanding of the imperative significance of cleanliness and hygiene.
11) Public health getting higher priority in governance.
12) Emergence of offices which function in shorter spaces.
13) More jobs getting shifted to work-from-home model.
14) Remuneration becoming based on time bound completion of pre-set jobs.
15) Work force becoming more concerned and careful about their employment positively impacting productivity and efficiency.
16) Marked improvement in medical preparedness and setting of medical infrastructure and facilities among countries.
17) Increased positivity in outlook and attitude of mankind.
18) Nature and environment getting a better treatment from mankind.
19) An over-all improvement in the quality of life.
20) Emergence of a new world which is better to live in.
There are also some short-term positive aspects like an improvement in the global warming situation through lesser emission of greenhouse gases, improvement in atmospheric pollution and a cleaner environment. How far these will remain depends on how humanity unfolds in the years ahead.

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