Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Grand Transition

The world is heading for a transition. This is indeed a transition phase for the entire world in the true sense of the term. There has to be a solid cause for any significant transition to happen. That is a universal law. The present situation is the cause for the transition in the offing.

Is not this phase an occasion for humanity to introspect? Is not this phase meant to cleanse mankind of all kinds of negativity like hatred, animosity, ego, selfishness? Is not this an eye opener for human civilisation to relinquish the hitherto trodden path and change track? Is not this time the harbinger of virtuousness, of selflessness, of compassion? Is not the world going to become a better place, post the present calamity?

These are not mere conjectures. They are really going to materialise. This phase shall pass and a new world order shall emerge.

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