Sunday, March 17, 2019

The True Guardians of Democracy Should Awake

Political parties select candidates for contesting elections basing on their own criteria and assessment. However, it would be in the best interests of parliamentary democracy if voters have their own clear criteria for choosing their candidate in the polling booth. It is felt that a voter can be deemed to have exercised his franchise prudently if he / she chooses the candidate who conforms to at least the following criteria, irrespective of any political orientation.

1. A non-controversial person, who has not been involved in any criminal or other undesirable act.

2. A person who is perceived to be honest and not corrupt.

3. A person having a good proven character.

4. A person whose demeanor and words in the public have restraint and do not cross the limits of decency.

5. A person who is not oriented towards a luxurious or flamboyant life.

6. A person who does not prefer to live in an ivory tower, and instead would love to become one with the voters.

It is very unfortunate that majority of the voters often does not seriously consider the responsibility cast upon them in a democratic system in rejecting undesirable individuals contesting elections, neither have any awareness building efforts been taken by any quarters in this regard. It can be emphatically stated without an iota of doubt that the voters are the true guardians of democracy and they should awake.

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