Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Inner Voice

India is going to witness another parliamentary election within a few months. The Indian voter has been voting for alliances rather than a single party for the past few decades. In such a scenario, it is felt that at the time of casting the vote if every voter forgets his / her political orientation and asks  himself / herself the following questions and exercises his / her franchise in deference to his / her conscience, the nation will get the best possible government.

1. Whether the alliance I am voting for has a fair chance of running its full term if they form the government?

2. Whether the alliance has any inherent deficiencies which signal a short life for its government?

3. Whether I am voting for a full term government or a short lived government?

4. Whether there will be possibility of the country witnessing ugly scenes of leaders bargaining for key positions in the government after the elections?

5. Whether the alliance is likely to develop conflict of ideas after government formation?

6. Whether the alliance will have a fair degree of consensus in matters of governance?

7. Whether the alliance has the competence to form a government which can uphold and protect the prestige of India among the international community?

8. Whether the alliance has a reasonably matured and proven leadership?

9. Whether the alliance can be expected to form a corruption free government?

The conscience of the voter will guide him / her to make a prudent choice, if he / she listens to that inner voice and obeys it.

Forget all politics. Put the natIon above everything else.

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