Saturday, January 26, 2019

Technology – Boon or Bane?

Technology is the most amazing and all-encompassing creation of man.  But rather than man, the master, controlling technology, we now see technology controlling the man. Technology has become omnipresent and omnipotent. Life without dependence on technology has become an unimaginable or rather impossible proposition.

Technology has transformed the world into a wonder land. The world has seen a sea change in the last two decades. Technology today is all pervasive - entwined in almost every part of our surrounding. It affects how we live, work, play, and most importantly learn. No need to write letters. No need to remember phone numbers or addresses or birthdays or even spellings. No need to go out for paying bills or taxes or for posting letters or transacting your bank account. No need to stand in the queue to book a rail ticket. Every entertainment, be it music or dance or cinema or cricket match, is at your finger tips. No need to go to shops.  The world has become well connected and well updated. Communication has become as easy as anything else. Distance has become an abstract concept.  Self learning has become an easy task. The world stands squeezed to the size of a mobile phone screen. Internet has become the key to a universal library. Life has become much easier. Conveniences, comforts, luxuries have become routine things. You can see and talk to your dear ones staying abroad at the click of a mouse. Social media have become one’s second family. Mobile apps have taken the role of servants or messenger boys. Sitting at your office, you can do surveillance of your home and vice versa. Technology has ensured a paradigm change in the manner in which education is delivered.  All sectors and fields without exception are seeing a technological revolution.There is absolutely no doubt that technology is a wonderful tool if we use it appropriately. On the other side, over dependence on technology has transformed the man from a social animal to a rather caged animal. Social interactions and even personal interactions within the family have dwindled considerably. Friendship has taken the colour of become ‘e-friendship’. Man has become a slave to his mobile phone or tablet. There is very less time for the family. Family relationships are losing their warmth and sheen. Man is becoming more and more selfish. More importantly, cyber crimes are on the increase. Technology which is a creation of man has gained dominance over him and started controlling him.

The side of pros weighs heavier than that of cons. But, has not technology made humanity a lazier lot and escapers from the real world?

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