Monday, February 26, 2018

The Intermediary Beneficiaries

The whole nation is discussing the unending reports coming out day in and day out on the spine-chilling financial frauds perpetrated by a band of so-called ‘business magnates’. There is absolutely no doubt that the ultimate beneficiaries of all these frauds are a few heinous racketeers in the guise of business tycoons. But no one is so naive as to believe that these ruthless criminals have committed all the irregularities on their own without the support or involvement or connivance or knowledge or silent consent of some other unsocial elements. Strong are the possibilities of the involvement of unholy middlemen in the guise of political bigwigs, brokers etc. apart from the already established role of bank officials of various cadres and professionals like auditors.

The nation has a legitimate right to know who the intermediary beneficiaries of the multi-crore scams are, as it is the tax payers’ money which is swindled by the law-breakers and it is again the tax-payers’ money which will be used also to clear up the consequent financial mess through several discreet and uncanny strategies. The full details of all the intermediary beneficiaries quantifying the amounts of gratification should be published irrespective of how ‘big’ or powerful or influential they are. This might be possible only after an exhaustive investigation using all arms of the country’s legal machinery. But there will be no justification for prolonging the investigation, which should be completed in a time bound manner.

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