Thursday, February 1, 2018

Menace of Bad Debts

Every one knows that the biggest problem which the Indian economy faces now is the ever rising Non Performing Assets or bad debts of banks. According to official data, about 80% of the bad debts is the contribution of the big corporates in the country. While no effective measures are instituted for recovery of the corporate sector NPAs, all the  governments at the centre till now have been following the unpardonable strategy of passing on the financial burden created by bad debts to the common man in various forms. No government at the centre till now is an exception to this shabby strategy. No government has so far shown the guts to publicise the names of the big corporates which have been eating away the vitals of the country by generating bad loans incessantly.

The Union Budget 2018 has belied the expectations of the people on the NPA front, even though it has attempted to strike a balance between the farm and non farm sectors and has not resorted to undue populism normally expected in pre-election budgets

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