Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Power of Black Money and Corruption

Black money and corruption are like twin brothers or twin sisters. And both are always hand in hand. The history of independent India eloquently illustrates that all the initiatives taken by a few of the various Governments at the centre so far to tackle the menace of the twin most dangerous issues, viz; black money and corruption in varying degrees have been thwarted by the concerted efforts of a powerful lobby comprising of various ruthless sections of the society which are all hands in glove. The strategy of this abysmally unholy but unlimitedly powerful lobby in defeating such well-intended measures has been to feign their blessings to those measures outwardly but doing everything possible to sabotage them by stooping to any level.

There is no denying the fact that these lobbies are behind most of the problems faced by the country. Their power is enormous. Their share in the nation’s resources is unimaginable. They are financial power houses. They would see to it that when a Government does something to tackle corruption or black money, a situation is created which prompts the Government to divert its focus from the well-intended measures and change the priorities. The might of the right thinking citizens is trivial compared to this cold blooded lobby. This explains the reason for the lackluster impact of many of the well intended reforms to cleanse the economy of the above mentioned twin devils.

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