Monday, December 18, 2017

The Win and the Gain

The most important issues which weighed with the Gujarat electorate in the Assembly elections were the issues taken up on priority by the State’s incumbent ruling alliance’s parent alliance at the centre, viz., corruption and black money, impetus on social and financial reforms, financial inclusion with focus on reduction of the gap between the rich and the poor, the initiatives to boost public health and the re-orientation towards rural India. It is gratifying to note that religious, communal, regional and sectarian factors took a back seat in the hustings. The election results also portend the re-emergence of the Congress party in the home ground of the BJP, which is a matter of consolation for Rahul Gandhi who spearheaded the elections in Gujarat and who has just taken over the mantle of the party. On the whole, the poll results indicate a win for the BJP and a gain or consolidation for the Congress.


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