Wednesday, June 24, 2020

War and Peace

India’s approach of a studied and matured restraint in the face-off with China speaks volumes about the place global peace, repeat global peace, occupies in India’s priority list. Through its deft handling of the border tension, India is eloquently telling the global community that the country has fully realized what a military aggression would mean to the comity of nations in a scenario where heightened nuclear capabilities of countries portend grave danger. India is also conveying the message that military power is primarily meant for protecting peace and not for waging war. In fact, the world should thank India for the forbearance shown, but for which the pandemic stricken world would have been pushed to the heights of misery through a military aggression.

The situation would have been entirely different if China’s confrontation was with some other powerful country. The statesmanship shown by India in handling international affairs would definitely be realized and appreciated by all peace preferring countries, which would enhance India’s credibility among the global community. 

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