Saturday, February 16, 2019

A Great Salute to the Guardians

When most of us are sleeping in the comforts of our home or sitting in the comforts of our office, thousands of people are working in the border areas, exposing themselves to the highest perils and uncertainties of life and vagaries of nature. They are silently toiling for their mother land, in blood freezing chill unmindful of their struggles so that others can sleep in peace with all comforts.

Life in the armed forces is not like any other. When you are protecting your country's borders 16,000 feet above sea level at a temperature of -50 degrees at the Siachen Glacier, it can't be just another job. Neither is battling an average temperature of 50 degrees in the blistering heat of Rajasthan.

Unfortunately, these sections of people are mostly immersed in oblivion and their life comes to the limelight only when some tragic happenings befall upon them or when a military tension breaks out in the border.  The most unfortunate part of the whole thing is some of the false perceptions about military life among the general public.

We have been seeing many soldiers in the prime of their life becoming poor victims of the hurricane of animosity emanating from the country’s enemies. We have seen our enemies’ bullets hitting our dear soldiers shattering the life of lots of hapless families with small children. One might argue that the nation takes proper care of the families of those slain soldiers. But can that be any match to the tragedy which happened to those soldiers and the untold miseries undergone by them?

Can there be a more noble, dignified and righteous death than the death which embraced our dear soldiers while safeguarding the nation, least mindful of their pains and sufferings?   A Great Salute to you all!

This post is humbly dedicated to all the soldiers of the Indian army, about whom the entire 136 crores strong populace of the country should be proud of.

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