Friday, November 2, 2018

Five Pertinent Posers

India is going to witness another parliamentary election within a few months. At this juncture, it is felt that there are at least five basic questions each voter has to ask himself/herself before taking a final decision on exercising his/her franchise. This is irrespective of any political orientation. Through that process, the country would certainly get a delivering government. Those five questions are:-

1. Do I want a government which will have fair chances of running its full term or a short lived government?

2.Do I want a government which will have a reasonably matured leadership or otherwise?

3. Do I want to see ugly scenes of leaders bargaining for Prime Minister' chair after the hustings?

4. Do I want a government affected with several conflicting ideologies or one where there will be a fair degree of consensus in matters of governance?

5. Do I want a proven leadership or a new untried leadership in the government?

India is a great country which deserves the best governance. Each voter has a responsibility in ensuring this as otherwise he/she will be failing in her duty as a citizen of this country. The country should be kept above all political considerations.

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