Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Source of Hope

In India, judiciary commands utmost respect from the citizens as one of the strong pillars of democracy. India owes much to the judiciary in its achievements as the world’s biggest democracy and acknowledges it as a powerful instrument of social transformation apart from its primary role of administration of justice.
It is common knowledge that courts pronounce judgements by looking at the issues involved in a case from the angle of law / legal enactments. However, the courts act according to the principles of equity, justice and good conscience in the absence of any specific law or usage in matters placed before them. In rare situations, along with the legal angle, the angle of equity, justice and good conscience is also considered by the court with due importance, if the circumstances of the case warrant the same. 
Some of the judgements evoke a feeling that along with the angle of law, equity, justice and good conscience, the possible impact of a verdict on the community at large, law and order situation, social and communal camaraderie etc. could also be given due consideration so that justice in its purest form is delivered. Judiciary is the strongest source of hope for the citizens.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Five Pertinent Posers

India is going to witness another parliamentary election within a few months. At this juncture, it is felt that there are at least five basic questions each voter has to ask himself/herself before taking a final decision on exercising his/her franchise. This is irrespective of any political orientation. Through that process, the country would certainly get a delivering government. Those five questions are:-

1. Do I want a government which will have fair chances of running its full term or a short lived government?

2.Do I want a government which will have a reasonably matured leadership or otherwise?

3. Do I want to see ugly scenes of leaders bargaining for Prime Minister' chair after the hustings?

4. Do I want a government affected with several conflicting ideologies or one where there will be a fair degree of consensus in matters of governance?

5. Do I want a proven leadership or a new untried leadership in the government?

India is a great country which deserves the best governance. Each voter has a responsibility in ensuring this as otherwise he/she will be failing in her duty as a citizen of this country. The country should be kept above all political considerations.

A Lofty Principle

One of the most lofty doctrines of the Constitution of India is Article 14 which provides for equality before the law or equal protection of...