Thursday, September 13, 2018

Promote Indian Brands, Not Foreign Brands

There was a time when we Indians had to depend on many things manufactured in foreign countries. The main reasons for the attachment of Indians to items produced abroad were the perception of quality attached to those things and the fact that India had not made the technological advancements made by a few other countries those days.

But times have drastically changed. India is now a technologically highly advanced country, more or less on par with many so called developed nations. Whether it is electronic gadgets or automobiles or televisions or refrigerators or mobile phones or home theatres, or air conditioners, India indigenously produces high quality items matching the perceived quality of those foreign manufactured things. Still, the craze for ‘foreign’ goods is strongly lingering in the minds of many Indians, who even try to create a wrong impression that India does not have the technological capability to match the quality standards of gadgets/devices/automobiles/other consumer goods manufactured in other countries and hence Indian goods are all of inferior or sub-standard quality. This is as much a hollow myth as it is sheer non sense.

India is no more in such a desperate situation as to depend on commodities produced abroad. India’s technological advancement is envious. Quality of goods indigenously produced in India more than matches the quality  of goods manufactured in any foreign country.  Indians are not duty bound to promote the products manufactured abroad or by foreign based MNCs functioning in India. Indians do not have any responsibility to promote any foreign brand.

India’s dependence on foreign currency depends on the extent of foreign goods consumed by the Indians. The more and more we go for commodities or services for which India has to pay the manufacturers or service providers in US dollars (the most traded currency internationally), the more and more powerful does US dollar become and Indian Rupee becomes weaker and weaker. However, India’s dependence on OPEC countries for crude is bound to continue, more on account of geographical factors rather than economic factors.

We Indians should try to encourage gadgets/devices/ automobiles etc. manufactured in India instead of promoting foreign brands. Dollar should not be allowed to gain supremacy to the extent being witnessed now. This is the only way to protect Indian economy. Foreign craze still lingering in the minds of some sections of Indians should become a thing of the past.

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